

If you wish to contact me regarding dance movement psychotherapy sessions, clinical supervision, consultation, or workshops please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Further information related to costs, times and location of personal therapy sessions, supervision, consultation or workshops can be negotiated on request.

My customary practice days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 9.00am to 7.00pm.   Additional workshops, individual therapy and training sessions can arranged as needed.

I am a registered Private Practitioner and Clinical Supervisor with the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK.

I have a MA Dance Movement Psychotherapy, a supervisors certificate, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education.   

Dance Movement Psychotherapy Private Practice

I am an integrative dance movement psychotherapist whose practice is informed by considering a range of theoretical concepts to offer safe and effective practice for each individual in my care. In therapy we can be curious about what our body has to say about our interactions with people and places that surround us. 


My practice experience includes people impacted by depression, anxiety, self-esteem, loss, bereavement, choice, gender identity, LGBTQ+ struggles, sexual orientation, abuse, trauma, self-harm, learning disabilities, neurodivergence, relationship struggles, body confidence, stage/vocal/theatre performance.  These examples are not exclusive so please do contact me for a chat about how I might meet your needs.

I offer sessions outdoors, in green spaces, parks and commons in my practice area, and/or in a small garden studio.


My practice is informed by integraing a range of theoretical principles (social, systemic, existential, humanistic, gender, queer, ecotherapy and eco-somatic) that best suit therapy and supervisory relationships to offer safe and effective practice for the person in my care. Each person is a unique individual whose life story consists of a range of emotive body experiences incorporating socially constructed and biological formations. While considering socio-political, physiological, and gender identity as ever-changing relationships with self and others, I privilege the on-going and formative relationships between client and therapist, supervisor, supervisee, and the wider context. I view therapy and supervisory relationships as co-creative and reflexive journeys where my continuing curiosity about the moving body in relationship asks questions about our empathy and compassion in relationships. In Dance Movement Psychotherapy we return to and speak from the body to inform our way of being in the world. 


I supervise dance movement psychotherapists and trainees, though you do not need to be a dance movement psychotherapist to see me for supervision.  If you wish to explore how embodied practice and relationships will support your professional practice then we can create a supervision that fits your practice.  I view supervision as a confidential reflective process of participants’ creative, symbolic, cognitive and/or authentic expression of movement and words. This reflective process explores the intricacies of the therapeutic relationship with clients, and systemic relationships in personal, professional and ecological environments.

In dance movement psychotherapy we privilege the body as a lived experience through which we share something about ourselves in relationship with self, with others, and with our environment.  Reflexive practice is strengthened by supervision which reveals fresh and diverse perspectives on clinical practice and work concerns. In supervision we can talk, write, draw, play, and move when considering different perspectives for our clients and ourselves. As a supervisor, my intent is to provide a safe environment in which we make a commitment of time and energy to each other in

deciding to work together in the contexts of mutual influence and the co-creation of meaning.

The supervisory constellation incorporates the client-therapist relationship, levels of supervisory relationships, and environmental factors that influence our somatic and embodied lives. 

Further information on dance movement psychotherapy can be found at

Intimate Reflections
Landscapes of Life
Creative expression

Contact: please complete the form below to make contact with me.