Dartmoor Woodland

             Our daily lives are in constant relationship with people, technology, machines, and essential green and rural spaces of life.

My therapy practice is offered outdoors and/or in a small garden studio.

Self-expression of thoughts, feelings and emotions through the use of posture, gesture, improvised movement, words and sounds

helps us shape our experience of relationships, life events and the world around us.

We live a physical experience where we share our way of being in relationship with self ... with others... and our environment.

Is this a social body, a hidden body, a responsive body, an ecological body, or a body unknown? 

All of these questions continue to arouse my curiosity as a person who inhabits a moving body.

My therapy practice values and supports authentic development of physical expression and the psychotherapeutic benefits

of the moving body, which carries and expresses individual body stories. 

Our body stories contain the delights, anxieties, thrills, depressions, traumas, fears, joys, and revelations of our lived experience.

Our movement improvisations allow us to shape and reshape our lived experience.

I remain curious about gender identity and wonder what our ways of being in the world say about


  the versatility of who we are.

   Intuitive listening …

I have a great appreciation for authentic and sensitive attitudes for tuning into, appreciating, and engaging with the

subtle shades of interpersonal relationships.

I privilege ideas and experience that highlight equality, compassion, inclusion,  understanding, and ecological reciprocity  

in preference to notions of power and control over others.

Being mindful of difference I honour the shared creation of meaning in our ideas, experience, values, relationships and potentialities.

I like being a man who moves...

Outback dance
 intuitive listening
moving urban environments


                      Dance Movement Psychotherapy: Geoffery Unkovich 

       Personal therapy.     Supervision.     Consultation.     Workshops.

             Honouring our lived experiences that shape our life story

   This site offers aspects of my therapy practice... supervision... relational experience...

       life events... autobiographical influences... and curiosity about the moving body. 

You can contact me regarding personal therapy, supervision, consultation and workshops.

        Dance movement psychotherapy is a resource for those wanting movement expression

                             as part of their emotional and psychological well-being.